Near the other end of the age spectrum is 'Burl's,' in which the lead actor looks so young it made me a little uncomfortable. What some have called the 'stiff' performance of the lead actor just seemed to me like the way a real person, not an actor, might really be in such a situation.
Sure, 'Touched' is a middle-aged gay man's fantasy that would never happen in a million years, but it's surprisingly fresh and lovely anyway, sweet, sad, and genuinely touching. But the other six movies on this DVD are gems, the most consistently good and diverse collection of short gay films I've come across in a while. (The cat torture is what bothered me, by the way, and the relentless unfunniness of everything that happened-not the fact that they were screeching queens, whom I usually like.) I fast-forwarded through the last third of that piece of garbage to see if it got any better, and it didn't. I don't deny such people's right to exist and make movies-I just don't enjoy their company.
It's called 'Gaydar' and it's about-and possibly by and for-screeching queens who think it's funny to torment a pet cat (over and over) until it hisses (over and over) and finally runs away (That's not the central story, by the way, but it's what I remember).
The very, very bad one is the one that some people like best.